Thursday, June 30, 2011

Idaho WInter by Tony Burgess - Reviewed

Idaho WinterIdaho Winter by Tony Burgess

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Though I thoroughly enjoyed the first few chapters and the direction the book was taking, 1/4 of the way through, I was surprised to find where the story was going.

Original story-lines are becoming more and more scarce in the literary world, so something as bizarre and refreshing as Idaho Winter is a welcome reprieve from the rehashed plot-lines of stereotypical YA fiction.

A tortured mind of a child can produce some wonderful imagery, albeit dark and unimagined by the reader, it is all at once recognizable and, at times, laughable.

Another good read by a master of the macabre.

View all my reviews

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bugarach - France - Apocalypse

Planning a vacation over the Christmas holidays in 2012? Bugarach, France seems to be all the rage. What with whispers of secret doors inside the mountain to aliens returning to collect those that have made the pilgrimage, Bugarach is receiving more visitors determined to buy land or join the cult that is planning for the end times.

See this article for more details on what's happening now, and how you too can be saved from an apocalyptic end by vacationing in France during the winter solstice of 2012. Google+

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Proposed Graphic novel illustrations for the Dystopian/PA series The Judas Syndrome released

Michael Poeltl has considered turning his dark PA fiction series: The Judas Syndrome into a graphic novel in the past, but has now taken steps towards this end by releasing three illustrations - 1 of book one, and two of book 2, on his facebook fanpage and website .

"As an illustrator, I see the potential, but the work would be immense," says Poeltl of illustrating the graphic novels himself. "Finding a student looking to create a portfolio might be a better bet in getting the graphic novels realized in my life-time."

If interested or know someone interested in illustrating the novels, contact Poeltl at mikepoeltl (at) hotmail (dot) com


Monday, June 20, 2011

ANother set of interviews following MIchael Poeltl's processes when writing PA fiction

Read the first in a pair of interviews held by Elizabeth Sogard where Michael Poeltl discusses marketing your self-published books on and off-line, June 23rd, 2011.

Then read the second interview and get to know the author and his processes while writing his dystopian trilogy on June 30th, 2011 by clicking this link.

Subscribe to Elizabeth Sogards blog and learn all about the writting profession from self-published to traditionally published authors. Google+

Monday, June 13, 2011

Radio Interview on Whistle Radio for Dystopian themed Book trilogy, The Judas Syndrome

The latest interview of Michael Poeltl, author of the dystopian trilogy - The Judas Syndrome - which follows a group of high school seniors through an Apocalyptic landscape, will be aired on whistle Radio three times during the week of June 20-26th, 2011.

Poeltl talks about the process of writing, manages three readings from books one and two, and discusses the book at length with Catherine Sword, in an exciting and educational half hour conversation.

Times to listen:
Tuesday, June 21st at 5:30PM
Thursday, June 23 at 8:30AM
Sunday, June 26th at 5:30PM