Sunday, February 14, 2021

 I’m pleased to announce that the final cover design is ready for your eyes only, for my new book The Blind Affect. As with the title for this work of realistic fiction, the cover embodies the story. Taking place in an urban setting, the book’s three main characters move through the timeline spanning decades within the confines of their city, suffering the slings and arrows of life while inching their way toward a greater purpose.

The cover photograph is by Justin Hamilton, and the cover design by me. I know what you may be thinking, ‘the author designed his own cover?’ but I’m also a graphic designer and illustrator who graduated from Sheridan college for these very skillsets. In fact, I’ve designed every cover for every book I’ve written, and where illustrations are found, those are mine as well.

But, I digress. The cover for the upcoming novel is now out there and that means I’m that much closer to putting the book in your hands. That could be as early as Spring, 2021. If you haven’t already, and want to be among the first to hear of its release, sign up for my newsletter.