To better understand the Dystopian / Post-Apocalyptic series, understand one of the more under-developed characters in The Judas Syndrome . The Angel, Leif's Blank Man:
Named Blank Man by a six year old child, this omnipotent presence that first revealed itself to the child’s father in the form of an animal avatar, and then to the boy once his father had forsaken his destiny, and his life, takes no form save that which those who can see him give him.
Blank Man, as the name suggests, appears as a halo outlining the silhouette of a man to the fatherless boy. His voice is gentle and calm. His wisdom ancient and his message clear. Destiny, which rules over all living things, rules over man most mercilessly. Destiny will be fulfilled regardless the tool it uses to guide its purpose, while being mindful of the repercussions. It is seemingly merciless to mankind because of the double-edged sword of knowledge and ambition we so prize.
The Blank Man has been preordained with the task of guiding a group of Apocalypse survivors to realizing their destiny, one individual in particular. But in order for this individual to realize his destiny, many players must also follow a path, unbeknownst to them. The inherent difficulty in choreographing a greater destiny in beings blessed with free-will becomes obvious.
Though an enlightened being, Blank Man, manipulating events on an ever-expanding cast of characters in an effort to bring about the destiny he has been fated to arrange, struggles with the rebellious nature inherent in humanity.
No one can escape their destiny. He knows this. He has seen this play out time and again throughout history. Joel, Blank Man’s first contact, and the one chosen for this end, went mad with the idea that a people’s life is prearranged, and that nothing they do, no matter how much free-will is assigned them, nothing they can do will change that path.
Realizing Joel’s rebellious nature and obvious downward spiral, Blank Man took it upon himself to be certain the destiny he was influencing was not lost. He played the characters in Joel’s circle perfectly in order to eliminate Joel from the larger destiny, placing the onus on the baby, now growing in his girlfriend’s belly.
Joel enacted his end in a final, defiant deed, regardless his attempts to flee his destiny. But his end did not fulfill the grater destiny promised, and so, Blank Man passed this destiny on to Joel’s son.
As Sara, Joel’s girlfriend, took it upon herself to go north with her newborn, Blank Man would now refer to the events he had already set in motion to compensate for Joel’s failed attempt. This was a new path toward the same destiny, as it would play out through Leif, Joel’s son. This path had been planned long before the Apocalypse had been realized, and many more put in place should Leif fail in his attempt.
Leif felt the Angel’s presence from a time when he was very young, and at age six, Blank Man revealed himself to Leif. “I will take a face when you give me one,” He said to the young boy, but Leif never gave his Blank Man a face.
To approach the child at an early age gave Blank Man an advantage over the approach he used with Joel, at eighteen. This offered him the opportunity to mould a mind willing to under-take the role Destiny would ask of him.
Leif and his Blank Man became great friends, and Leif an exceptional student. The destiny once forsaken, would again be questioned, but would it ever be realized?
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