Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Free ebook available featuring The Judas Syndrome characters

2012’s Revelation may have signaled an end to Michael Poeltl’s Judas Syndrome Trilogy, but Joel, Sara, Earl, Sonny, and the other characters continue to live on in the hearts of fans worldwide.

Holes in the Darkness is a collection of six short stories / book excerpts submitted by fans of the series. These pieces are dark, humourous, touching, and occasionally a hybrid of all three.

Courage. Violence. Hope. Despair. Humour. Rage. These are recurring themes in the Judas Syndrome trilogy, and they all make an appearance in this authorized anthology.

This is a free offering put together by Rose Keefe, the editor of the trilogy and authorized by author Michael Poeltl.  Each of the stories have been compiled from multiple fan fiction sites and given authorization from the individual authors to be included in this free ebook.

Poeltl says:

"I am thrilled to have this work of fan fiction based on characters from my series .... available to the public. Each story is well written and well thought out."

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