Sunday, October 7, 2012

Get Your Free Trilogy in Paperback now!

Win a copy of  The Judas Syndrome complete trilogy by entering today at a Rafflecopter giveaway and come away with one of the years most exciting stories for free!
For more information visit the dystopian inspired website

About the books:
In a world devastated by an apocalyptic event,
the bonds of friendship are tested in the haze of
unrelenting depression, and paranoia.

Will you know who your friends are?


mike poeltl said...

Congratulations to the two winners of The Judas Syndrome trilogy Rafflecopter contest. Meaghan R. from Encino, CA and Tobyann Aparisi from Tucson, AZ, both from #Goodreads!

mike poeltl said...

Congratulations to the two winners of The Judas Syndrome trilogy Rafflecopter contest. Meaghan R. from Encino, CA and Tobyann Aparisi from Tucson, AZ, both from #Goodreads!