A sampling of reviews as found on The Judas Syndrome Facebook fanpage
Trevor Lockhart
"4 Stars out of 5"
What happens when the world ends but you don’t? Michael Poeltl’s debut novel “The Judas Syndrome” addresses this question when a group of friends return from a camping trip only to find out that something terrible has happened while they were away. The story focuses on this group of friends who have to come together to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. What ensues is a nightmarish journey into human frailty and betrayal. I found myself aching every time a poor decision resulted in disaster, wishing I could steer the group to back to safety and happiness. It reminded me of McCarthy’s “The Road” and Wyndham’s “The Chrysalids”, although with a greater nihilistic outlook.
Chris Sabel
"4 Stars out of 5"
"The Judas Syndrome" is a stark and uncompromising vision of the future of our world. Considering the never-ending reportage of wars, man-made catastrophes, and natural disasters that have appeared in the news recently, this is the kind of story that seems destined to become only more relevant in the years to come.
Mike Pongracz
"4 Stars out of 5"
...a stunning debut novel from Michael Poeltl. A dark, gritty exploration of the razor thin morality line that we as humans walk - especially when faced with extraordinary circumstances. Reading the novel was like watching an autopsy from a first person view; seeing everything that once gave life, exposed, separated, displayed and examined in raw, sometimes unpleasant detail. A fine read!
Jeff Faris
"5 Stars out of 5"
How would you deal with the apocalypse?
Have you ever wondered what you might go through if the rest of the world ended and left you and your friends to fend for yourselves? Mike Poeltl has written an excellent book – the Judas Syndrome gives a fantastic, well-imagined answer. The characters, familiar to everyone and rooted firmly i...n the strengths and weaknesses of human nature, are put through a series of exciting, chilling and though provoking events.
The surprising but entirely believable ending was a big plus. It came as a surprise, but once I thought about it, the logic became inescapable - it HAD to end that way.
Have you read The Judas Syndrome? If so, what was your experience like?
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