Monday, August 28, 2017

Purpose in Writing - One Author's Reason to Write

Poeltl’s books, though not confined to one genre, do share a common, defining thread. Whether general fiction, science fiction, fantasy or self-help, they are each driven by purpose in the narrative. Whether through the plot line or a main character’s inner voice driving them to accomplish more, to be more, or to realize their life’s purpose, Poeltl appreciates a clear intent driving his stories whether they’re realized immediately, or the purpose(s) – like those in his books Her Past’s Present, and The Judas Syndrome – are discovered further into the story line.

Purpose drives Poeltl’s stories, as it drives his own desire to write them. He explains; “this is the commonality we all share”, which he organically and thoughtfully includes into each of his works, relating to his audience’s own fundamental needs to realize their purpose, and to encourage them to look for it in ways they may not have imagined before sitting down with one of his many books.
If each of Poeltl’s books offer one parallel, it is that to understand your purpose is to understand yourself. “My own purpose was revealed to me early in life. Art. Being artistic. I chose to enter the visual arts, graduated and began an interpretive illustration career. That led to marketing positions and currently a career managing a marketing department,” he shares. “This position has allowed me to write an enormous amount of industry related content, but also spurred me onto – what I thought was - my second love; writing.” Poeltl smiles thoughtfully. “Now all I want to do is write stories.”
It’s not just any stories Poeltl wants to write – needs to write.  If they don’t have depth, if they don’t hold water, he’s ‘writing them off’. Even within the pages of his collection of short stories; Waning Metaphorically, you’ll find fourteen stories filled with purpose, and whether the character realizes it or not, the reader certainly will.

There is an undeniable strength to his characters, but weaknesses too, which make them all the more human, all the more relatable. They may stumble upon their purpose, or they may be guided towards it, whichever method they use, Poeltl’s audience has delighted in their discoveries, and, as the author hopes, in their own.

For more on Michael Poeltl and his books you can visit his website, his Amazon Author page, or find him on Facebook.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

New Sci-fi Coming Soon

"He speaks for those who have no voice in this escalating war, and in doing so, gives them power." - Quinn of House Quinn of the A.I. Host uprising - A.I. Insurrection. Coming soon.

Friday, August 11, 2017

FREE Ebook Contest for your Kindle!

This is a contest everyone wins! Visit and you'll win just by clicking the Download button.

Free from August 10-12th is the multi-genre anthology of short stories Waning Metaphorically.
Imagine the number of stories a writer has inside them. Never mind the editor’s slush pile; author’s each suffer their own. I don’t mean to suggest we’re a bunch of word hoarders, but once a sentence or scene has been written, it’s a part of you, and not easily discarded. Speaking as one who often writes when struck with inspiration, these rogue scenes - more often than not – are unwelcome curiosities to whatever I am presently working on. All the same; I have to believe they were created for some purpose – and so: the pile.

Many of the stories within these pages are such refugees. At least, that’s how they’d begun their literary lives: a thought, a quote, a supposition. Realistically, I have to admit, some acts of inspiration will never find a home. Unsuitable for publication: The genre illiterate – The damned. I still keep them close. Like all of my failures: I learn from them.
Many of the stories and oddities I’ve compiled here are new, while others are decades old. The old have been revisited by a more seasoned hand, revised, expanded or shortened, while the new were the underlying inspiration which encouraged me to create this compilation.
I knew the vast majority of my slush pile scenes and false starts wouldn’t sustain a novel length work, and as attention spans crumble and commutes grow longer, I realized that literary shorts play an important role for the reader. Besides, what could be more rewarding than a quick read? Instant gratification through story-telling. 

Life is a Metaphor. A metaphor is a symbol. A symbol is a sign. Watch for the signs. Like all stories, they can be watered-down to act as metaphor or parables; but unlike parables, metaphors can be interpreted differently, depending on the subject. A waning metaphor therefore, only sustains resolve if a person decides to recognize it. 

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Social Media Collateral and your book

Social Media Collateral - A message that spreads like a virus by word of mouth, email, blogs etc. are important visualizations of key scenes or quotes from your new book. They are essential in offering your potential reader a glimpse inside the book. Not unlike writing a summary or your back cover description; Social Media Collateral allow your intended audience a look inside, in order to determine whether or not they'd enjoy your new work of fiction.

I've been using Social Media Collateral for years and have seen greater interactions via social media (the perfect place to employ this method) including comments, likes and even shares and sales!

When my newest trilogy, a Sci-fi space opera, was only entering its second draft, already I'd been creating Social Media Collateral in order to build interest. I placed these again when the book is released on my own pages, as well as related group pages across multiple networks with links to purchase the book or ebook.

Writing and marketing go side-by-side and Social Media Collateral tend to excite your potential buyer through intriguing quotes and accompanying images. Social Media Collateral can vary in size and there is no rule to follow when creating one. However, if you plan to use it as an ad on Facebook, remember not to use too many words to get your point across. FB ads limit the amount of space the copy employs on your Social Media Collateral.

Below are some examples of the resent Social Media Collateral I've posted for the trilogy when it was till months out from being completed.